Tuesday 20 October 2015

La Dolce Vita

This is a typographic project by student Cissy Lott-Lavigna and Rosie Werrett, second year students at Kingston University.

Joe Hales, a part time lecturer at Kingston University, suggested that they contact me as their project was an re-interpretation of a film subject in the form of a bible and he suggested our Offenbach Bible paper.

As you can see from the end result, it was entirely successful. It was produced on our Offenbach Bible 60gsm and it was printed on the in house printers at Kingston Uni.
Although only produced as a 4pp, it has been hand sewn with thread - side sewn, as I would describe it.
Cissy Lott-Lavigna's portfolio caption reads "a double page spread encapsulating the themes of Federico Fellini's film 'La Dolce Vita'. Set in post-war Rome with declining religion but a prosperous decadent society, where 'The Sweet Life' seems unobtainable. We resonated with the traits of a bible by using 60gsm Offenbach Bible paper and sewn binding."
A fantastic example of what can be achieved by using the right materials, even with a very limited budget.

Posted by Justin Hobson 20.10.2015

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Thanks for your comment! If I like it, I'll add it on. Cheers J